
ℹ️ Energy facts

Air pollution comes from many sources.

Global warming is the rise in the temperature of the earth at an abnormally fast rate due to certain human actions that cause the excessive release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Global warming affects the environment and people’s health. It can burn holes in the Earth’s ozone layer, can bring destructive acid…

There are different kinds of pollution — visible and invisible. All of these contribute to global warming. Smog is a pollutant that can trigger a lot of respiratory diseases as asthma for example.

Global warming causes an increase of carbon dioxide in the oceans and the coral reefs perish. The coral reefs are homes for different species and if the coral reefs die, the scores of fish, sharks, turtles and sponges are left with no food, and they will too die.

gas transportation

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and it is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. Other greenhouse gases include methane which comes from such sources as swamps and gas emitted by livestock. Another pollutant is sulfur dioxide – the component of smog. Sulfur dioxide and related chemicals are primarily known as a cause of acid rain. But it’s good to know that they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere. It keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. For example volcanic eruptions can spew massive amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Sometimes it cause cooling that lasts for years, because of lots of ashes are sprew into the atmosphere and the sun light can not reach the Earth.

Most people agree that to stop global warming, a variety of measures need to be taken.

What we can do on a personal level – driving and flying less, recycling, reusing and a person’s “carbon footprint”.