🪄 💨 Magic air properties
Air, though invisible, is a powerful force with some magical properties! Here are a few:
Air is Everywhere: You can’t see the air, but you can feel it when the wind blows. Air fills up every space, big and small. It’s in your room, your house, and even inside a balloon!
Air Has Weight and Can Push and Pull: Ever blown up a balloon? You’re filling it with air, and that air pushes the balloon’s sides outward.Wind is air moving, and it can push things over or help sailboats move. Blow up a balloon. It feels light, right? But the air inside it has weight! A feather floats in the air because it’s light, but the air around it has weight
Air Takes Up Space: Even though you can’t see it, air fills up space. That’s why you can’t squeeze all the air out of a balloon.
Air Helps Things Fly: Airplanes and birds use air to fly. The shape of their wings helps them glide through the air.
Air Helps Us Breathe: We need air to breathe. It helps us stay alive!
Air Can Make Sounds: When you blow into a flute or trumpet, the air makes a sound. We use air to make sounds when we talk and sing.
Magic air section
In the air section you can find how to use science to perform magic tricks based on the air properties and how to enhance any magic show.
These tricks and ideas can be used in any science projects or just for fun.
If you know any different tricks that would like to share with the other kids, you can contact us and we will make it possible.
Click on the list below to find how to perform it.
- Does air take up space
- Can we fill the empty bottle
- Does air weigh anything
- Which is heavier – hot or cold air
- What happens to warm air
- Wind
- Air presse
- A trick bottle
- How does a straw work
- How do suction cups work
- Siphon
- How to compress air
- Can the air hold a stick down
- Does air slow things down
- Air pressure facts
- A paper airplane
- An atomizer