
Does air take up space?

Yes, air does take up space! Even though we can’t see it, air is made up of tiny particles that fill up space around us.  Here’s a simple experiment to prove it:

All you need is a large handkerchief (or a crumpled newspaper) and empty glass.

Step 1: You should stuff the handkerchief or the crumpled newspaper into an empty glass or jar.
Please, make sure the handkerchief will not fall out when you turn the glass upside down.
Step 2: Fill a pot with water.
Step 3: Holding the glass so that its mouth is down, put the glass deep into the pot of water and hold it there.
Step 4: Wait for a minute or two. Then pull the glass out of the water and remove the handkerchief.

What you will see: The handkerchief is dry.

Why: Water cannot fill the glass because the glass is already filled with air. The “empty” glass is full of air. So, air takes up space. Air is a gas. It has no size or shape of its own but will fill every space it can.

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