
Can we fill the empty bottle?

Yes, you can fill an empty bottle!

You can fill it with many things, such as water, juce, soda, other liquids, solid objects. You can’t fill a bottle with air. Even though air takes up space, it’s not something you can physically pour into a bottle.

Try this: All you need is: a paper funnel, an empty soda bottle, clay, pour water.

Step 1: Place a funnel in the neck of an empty soda bottle.
Step 2: Pack clay around the neck of the bottle so that there is no space between the bottle and the funnel.
Step 3: Pour water into the funnel. Notice what happens.
Step 4: Take the clay off the bottle and funnel.

What you will see: While the clay is there, the water remains in the funnel or enters the bottle only in slow spurts. But when the clay is removed, the water flows freely into the bottle.

Why: The clay seals the neck of the bottle outside of the funnel. When water flows into the funnel, the air cannot escape except by going through the water very slowly. The air in the bottle takes up space and prevents the water from coming in. When the clay is removed and air is able to leave around the neck of the bottle, then water can flow in. This proves that air takes up space.

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